India’s fashion industry is mourning the loss of one of its brightest icons, Rohit Bal, who passed away at the age of 63 after battling health issues. The celebrated designer had recently made a triumphant return to the runway at Lakmé Fashion Week 2024, presenting his latest collection, Kaaynaat: A Bloom in the Universe, with actress Ananya Panday as the showstopper.
The Fashion Design Council of India (FDCI) confirmed his passing, describing Bal as a founding member whose work redefined Indian fashion with his unique blend of traditional and modern elements. “His legacy of artistry, innovation, and forward-thinking will live on in the fashion world,” stated the FDCI.
Bal, who was diagnosed with a serious heart condition known as dilated cardiomyopathy, faced numerous health challenges in recent years, including kidney failure and periods on life support. Yet he persevered, returning to the fashion scene with a collection that reminded audiences of his enduring creative brilliance.
“Style is all about self-expression! Wear what makes you feel amazing, and don’t be afraid to experiment.”
Born on May 8, 1961, in Srinagar, Kashmir, Bal’s roots profoundly influenced his designs. A graduate of St. Stephen’s College in Delhi and trained at NIFT, he made his solo debut in 1990, quickly rising to global fame. Known for his meticulous craftsmanship and a pioneering spirit, he was one of the first Indian designers to copyright his creations. Over his career, Bal collaborated with brands like Khadi Gram Udyog, Biba, HiDesign, and Titan, dressing celebrities such as Cindy Crawford, Pamela Anderson, Amitabh Bachchan, and Deepika Padukone.
Rohit Bal was not just a designer but a mentor, innovator, and role model for countless aspiring designers. His commitment to Indian heritage and his visionary approach left an indelible mark on the industry. Celebrities, including Ananya Panday, Priyanka Chopra, Sushmita Sen, and Sidharth Malhotra, joined in remembering Bal, celebrating his legacy and mourning his untimely loss.