The Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority (MTPA), led by Director Arvind Bundhun, recently launched a three-city roadshow across India, spotlighting Mauritius as a top destination. From August 21 in Mumbai, then Chennai on August 24, and wrapping up in Ahmedabad on August 26, this roadshow brought together 24 operators from Mauritius to connect with India’s travel industry and media. With growing direct flights from Air Mauritius and Vistara, Mauritius is now more accessible than ever for Indian travelers.
Bundhun shared MTPA’s goal to reach 1.4 million tourists this year, marking a strong recovery from pre-pandemic numbers. He emphasized that Mauritius is not only a paradise for couples and families but is ideal for business events, weddings, and more, urging Indian travelers to experience the island’s unique charm. High Commissioner H.E. Mr. Haymandoyal Dillum, who attended the Chennai event, highlighted India’s key role in Mauritius’ future tourism plans and stressed the importance of social media in connecting with new audiences.
According to Sunil Mathapati, MTPA’s India Country Manager, over 400 Indian B2B partners joined across the events, showcasing Mauritius as a year-round destination for all types of travelers. The roadshow was a powerful step toward reinforcing ties and ensuring Indian tourists experience the luxury and natural beauty that Mauritius has to offer.